Urgent: act before the recovery period expires!

The Story of Us
We are a small group of ordinary people, just like you. We go to work, pay our bills, love our families, and work to better our communities.
We have been involved in advocate work that strengthens communities and the peoples within these communities for the past 23 years.
We became aware of government-held funds when one of our founders overpaid certain licensing fees and those excess funds were held by the state. It took months to locate where money was and even longer to discover how to retrieve them.
With no one to help, despite many attempts to reclaim the funds, the time window ran out and the funds became the property of the government.
We discovered that many people fall prey to this kind of government confiscation.
We believe that what happened to us, and what happens to thousands of our fellow citizens is terribly unjust.
We also believe that simply calling it unfair or criminal does not resolve the issue of getting money held by the government back into the hands of the legal and rightful owners.
We lost our money. Others were (and still are) continuing to lose theirs. We couldn't just complain about it. We had to do something effective to help correct a fundamentally flawed system.
Thus, Robin Hood Asset Avengers was born. We have developed a workable system of navigating the bureaucracy mazes and court systems of government to recover your money as quickly and painlessly as possible. All with zero risk to you.
While we cannot promise success 100% of the time, our knowledge, skill, and dedication are unparalleled. We succeed far more often than not and don't stop fighting until we are victorious in our fight.
Put us to work fighting for you.
"Don't steal; the government hates competition." Ron Paul
Our Location
Our main office is located in North Carolina with branch offices in other states.
1108 New Pointe Blvd, #130-119 Leland, NC 284512
9 AM - 5 PM EST